The Journey To Follow My Dreams

The Journey to Follow My Dreams

 I found this quote by Debra Ann Tam the same week I resigned from my position as a child protection worker. I worked for MCFD for 15 years and leaving to start something new was a very scary, yet, exhilarating experience. I thought it was more than fate that I should happen upon these epic words right at a time I felt like I was leaping off a cliff. So why would I do this you ask, take this leap of faith without knowing what was at the end of the fall? Sometimes being true to oneself, being authentic and sticking to your values and beliefs rather than conforming to the status quo, is worth leaping into the unknown. In my case I can say it was all worth it, having found a new career to embark on, and even though there were those who hoped to strip me of my strength and confidence, I surfaced triumphant and can now provide a testimonial to ``life after MCFD.`` 
So I thank you, Debra Ann Tam for giving me the words and inspiration for this newest mixed media art canvas. To read the tutorial on how I made this canvas you can go here.
